A selection of architecture, art & culture, travel & lifestyle, and design articles online.
For a full list of articles, visit my author pages: plainmagazine - artexplored - untappedcities - fubiz
Interview with Chinese Design Studio Reesaw (Communication Arts Magazine)
Amid the ever-shifting dynamics of Shanghai’s consumer market, this Chinese design firm develops brands to create a lasting impact.
The Influences of Yan Pei-Ming (ArtExplored)
The Chinese painter’s iconic figures blur the boundary between real and imagined.
island6: Fueling Shanghai’s Creative Industry (ArtExplored)
The beating heart of China’s contemporary art scene is an island.
Yue Minjun returns with lockdown-inspired paintings (ArtExplored)
Interview with the Chinese artist on how his creativity blossomed in COVID exile
You Needn’t Be a Comic Book Nerd to Appreciate ‘Drawing Shanghai’ (SmartShanghai)
The greatest Shanghai history lesson that requires little to no reading.
Exhibition review, Shanghai
Entre Lumière et Ténèbres : L'Évasion Poétique de Todd Hido (Fubiz)
Une exploration des paysages envoûtants et des portraits énigmatiques de photographe Todd Hido.
Rencontre avec Chiara Bonetti : L'esthétique de l'imperfection (Fubiz)
Un entretien exclusif avec Chiara Bonetti, l'artiste derrière l'esthétique de la "parfaite imperfection" et la série captivante Cosmic Boredom.
Les Faceties d’Armando Romero (AQNB)
Armando Romero’s works draw inspiration from a vast repertoire of influences; his Caravaggio, Rembrandt, or Goya-inspired paintings are fused with a healthy dose of pop culture references like the Smurfs or Porky Pig.